Gas and diesel engines for industrial purposes
Gas Engines
The tightening of regulations and the instability of traditional fuel makes alternatively fuelled equipment and vehicles an increasingly attractive option. Natural gas, Liquefied Petroleum Gas and bio fuels offer quiet, cleaner and domestically produced energy at a lower overall cost To harness its enormous potential, Arex has been gasifying diesel engines over the last 20 years.
The gas engines are based on diesel engines and therefore compact, reliable, service- friendly and supported by the world wide suppliers and manufacturers, well meeting the current power demands.
Looking for a clean gas engine with a high reliability? With the approval of our gas engines, we have a versatile gas range between 10 KW to 1.042 KW, chosen on the specification in LNG, CNG, LPG in fuel or biogas application. Our large engines are designed to provide electrical power generation or combined heat/cooling and power, while our medium engines provide the same clean energy into forklift trucks, telecommunications towers, cogen and smaller generator sets.
Diesel Engines
We have over 20 years experience in this industry and provide via well-known suppliers. Diesel engines are used in more than five thousand applications for more than a thousand builders eg generator sets, trucks, agricultural machinery and industrial engineering. We also supply marine engines for pleasure and commercial craft.